We have come today to worship.
We have come to praise the One
Who came down into our darkness,
You who did not come with splendor,
Pomp and strength and majesty,
You who came to us in weakness,
We were blind and lost and godless,
Wandering a trackless waste.
hope arose, a glorious beacon,
Down from heaven came a Savior,
Born a child, so small and frail,
Taking up our pain and troubles,
You who with a word created
Sun and moon and seas and sand,
Lay there sleeping in a manger,
You who made the mighty forests
Would lie down upon a tree
Fastened there with nails for sinners,
{title: Emmanuel, Emmanuel}
{key: C}
{time: 4/4}
{tempo: 120}
{c: Verse 1}
[C]We have come today to worship.
[Em]We have come to praise the One
[Am]Who came down into our darkness,
[F]Born a lowly vi[G]rgin's son.
[C]You who did not come with splendor,
[Em]Pomp and strength and majesty,
[Am]You who came to us in weakness,
[F]Born to us in po[G]verty.
{c: Chorus}
E[G]mman[C]u[F]el, [G] Emman[C]u[F]el, [G] Emman[C]u[Fmaj7]el,
In [Em]You alone we h[F]ope and trust,
[Em]Jesus, Savior, G[F]od with us
[F2] Emmanu[C]el [C] [Em] [G]
{c: Verse 2}
[C]We were blind and lost and godless,
[Em]Wandering a trackless waste.
Then [Am]hope arose, a glorious beacon,
[F]Like the star the w[G]ise men chased.
[C]Down from heaven came a Savior,
[Em]Born a child, so small and frail,
[Am]Taking up our pain and troubles,
[F]Conquering where w[G]e had failed.
{c: Verse 3}
[C]You who with a word created
[Em]Sun and moon and seas and sand,
[Am]Lay there sleeping in a manger,
[F]Cradled by Your m[G]other's hand.
[C]You who made the mighty forests
[Em]Would lie down upon a tree
[Am]Fastened there with nails for sinners,
Would [F]bleed and die to s[G]et us free.
We have come today to worship.
We have come to praise the One
Who came down into our darkness,
Born a lowly virgin's son.
You who did not come with splendor,
Pomp and strength and majesty,
You who came to us in weakness,
Born to us in poverty.
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel,
In You alone we hope and trust,
Jesus, Savior, God with us
We were blind and lost and godless,
Wandering a trackless waste.
Then hope arose, a glorious beacon,
Like the star the wise men chased.
Down from heaven came a Savior,
Born a child, so small and frail,
Taking up our pain and troubles,
Conquering where we had failed.
You who with a word created
Sun and moon and seas and sand,
Lay there sleeping in a manger,
Cradled by Your mother's hand.
You who made the mighty forests
Would lie down upon a tree
Fastened there with nails for sinners,
Would bleed and die to set us free.
"Emmanuel, Emmanuel"
Words and Music by Mark Altrogge.
©2006 Sovereign Grace Praise
CCLI License #Not Specified